2016 TEACH Education Day
October 13, 2016
Strategies of Successful Educational Scholars (Like You)
Rebecca Blanchard, PhD
Director of Medical education and Research
University of Massachusetts Medical School - Baystate Health
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Identify the elements of a scholarly approach.
- Discuss and admonish lurking threats to the scholarly approach.
- Discuss and extol keys for successfully taking a scholarly approach, both globally and locally.
Welcome, welcome for those of you who might have not yet has a pleasure of meeting my name is sherry I'm a director of teak and I am the associate director for the office of continuing professional development I'm thrilled to welcome you all to our second annual teach education day on behalf of both before I introduce our speaker i do want to offer a special thank you to the Medical School for sponsoring all of today's events really in the medical school and Jefferson College all contribute to the teach budget so we can host great events and opportunities however the medical school went above and beyond and offered to sponsor all of today so that we can reserve our budget funds for other exciting opportunities so thank you it is my incredible pleasure to introduce my friend and colleague dr. Rebecca Blanchard today Rebecca and I go back several years now and from the very first time I met her I was impressed by her approach to scholar education scholarship it's simple straightforward and is done with ever-increasing frequency so there's this small group of us with similar roles at different institutions who tend to collaborate and we also meet up at conference in each year and we we moved beyond asking Rebecca if she is presenting anything and have you done today so how many posters workshop small groove panels are you presenting or leading and legitimately the number increases every so I've had the pleasure of being a participant in her workshops and also collaborating with her on various projects and I have learned every single time and we always have a blast doing it so that's awesome so dr. Blanchard is currently the senior director of educational affairs at baystate health and assistant dean of medical education at the University of Massachusetts Medical School Bay State she received her BS in Medical Sciences from Bentley University and her masters of education and her PhD in education research statistics and evaluation from UVA dr. Lindsay had received multiple teaching awards she's an active reviewer and/or editor for the four top medical journals and she's very well published and very well qualified to help us learn a little bit more about the wonderful world of education scholarship so please help me offer a warm welcome to dr. Rebecca Blanchard sherry good morning thank you so much dr. wicker for having me it's so exciting to be here welcome residents I know who you are because of your suits so welcome you're going to do great so let's talk about education scholarship so I wanted to start off by seeing who's here you'll learn a little bit more about me and Sheree made me sound way better on paper than I am so let's see ms here so if you teach now I don't care how long you've been teaching who you teach how frequently you teach if you teach please stand bring your food you're not going to do anything jingling great great now remain standing if you've had an idea about how to improve your teaching great remain standing if you've actually taken steps to implement that idea a curriculum and innovation a way to improve what you do awesome remain standing if you've evaluated that in some way you figured out whether or not it worked formally or informally you've got some feedback okay and remain standing for me if you've taken steps to write about this experience to publish it externally to send it out to other institutions that's okay we're we're a room of love thank you very much you two can sit so the difference between who stood up in the beginning to the end that's why we have this talk that's why we have jobs that's why we do what we do because there are so many teachers in Health Professions education across this country and I guarantee you their problems are the same their concerns are the same they love to teach and they want to get better at it but we need those of you who have ideas about how to improve it to put those ideas outside to send them somewhere this is the way to do that so I don't have any disclosures because there's no money in education come on but I am a decision editor for a new education journal and and knowing me dropping my name and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee someplace so these are two unrelated things but I feel like I need to share that this is what we're gonna talk about today what is the scholarly approach why don't we do it and how can we start doing it literally today what can we do the key ingredient your secret weapon as teachers is enthusiasm anything you do is made better by your enthusiasm any teacher in any country of any content of any level of learners is better if they are described as being enthusiastic that's what it looks like yes right you're acting out of your positive energy your love of the content of your learner's purely of teaching in general right so what's the secret weapon of learning of research what's the key ingredient for all of research here we go yes what's your name hi Ben thanks for coming today curiosity yes curiosity is the secret ingredient it kind of looks like this it's a unseeable thirst to know more new knowledge new information all right so you're all teachers you're all enthusiastic about what you do and yet you're all curious to know more so what happens when we combine enthusiasm and curiosity what happens we don't know it's early the coffee is still full that's okay let's say hmm let's say we call enthusiasm Mentos and curiosity might be diet coke what happens when we combine an explosion Thank You Archie yes an explosion okay so let's see I found because the Internet's amazing and I can find anything I want I found the most coke ever in a pool and somebody literally dumped bags of mentos into this so this is what it looks like now how would you describe this explosion maybe fizz I would describe this as like an alka-seltzer bass maybe certainly not explosion why isn't this an explosion how did we know there would be an explosion you would have done it have done it right so who's done it what did you do when you did this experiment putting in the bottle there's no bottle this is what happens when you add it to a bottle now it's an explosion right the bottle is the difference the bottle is the scholarly approach you can have all the enthusiasm and all the curiosity in the world but if you don't have structure it's just an alka-seltzer bath it's just fizz it's medium to give it direction and power and excitement and forward progress you need some sort of structure that's what we're going to talk about that's the scholarly approach so what is the scholarly approach three main steps number one review the literature I roll now that's okay we'll talk about this you're going to review and build on the work of others step to the appropriate methods to get where you want to go sounds simple right and step three evaluate oops evaluate and reflect on what you've done both internally and externally let's start with the literature this is for some reason the most difficult thing for my faculty and here's what it comes down to analysis paralysis I have 60 articles they all have my keywords they all look amazing and I'm done everything's already been said I can't I can't get through this what do you want me to do it's very simple first of all get to know your librarians there's an outbreak of librarians here I'm sorry a breakout of librarians same thing right breakout session right so there's a breakout later with librarians so first of all you're going to braid your background here's what it looks like what's the role of reflection in adult learning something like that well first I have to know something about reflection right and then I have to know something about adult learning and then maybe I want to know something about adult learning in Health Professions education how is it the same how is it different and then maybe I'll combine that with the role of reflection in Health Professions education I'm grouping them slowly I'm braiding them I'm starting with each as one concept and then I'm combining it with one of the other concepts in my question a librarian can help you work through this very difficult for us to distill our ideas into a question I promise you a librarian can help you distill it you have to describe what's going on already nothing's there is no such thing as an original thought Mark Twain said that right there's no such thing as an original idea I believe it this is not an original idea this presentation this is years of working with people right join the bigger conversation and for heaven's sakes don't write a polite summary no polite summaries make an argument you are trying to convince somebody that what you're doing is literally the best way to do it the only thing to do it you have a case make your case and lastly your lit review should stay your state your hypothesis and your problem statement these are all things you know the methods this is very straightforward if you want to teach knowledge you have to use methods that teach knowledge if you want to develop skill your methods have to address skills not knowledge knowledge might be in the skills but ultimately you're going to have to actively do something with your skills it's a bicycle your goal and your methods follow in line lastly evaluation reflection this is where the dissemination comes into play did it do what you wanted it to do get some feedback you get feedback locally and by disseminating it outward right so you can write it up you can get feedback you can evaluate what you're doing then you have to send it out to get some more understanding and peer review of your work that's how we evaluate it was sort of kirkpatrick's levels of evaluation just really quickly okay so I don't need to go into it essentially what it says is we have to so we sort of always ask hey did you like it when you leave somebody's to say did you like her talk well you know it really doesn't matter if you like my talk right at the end of that it doesn't really matter did you learn something from her talk satisfaction is like you know it's like that thin sheet on your bed there's like a throwaway it's they're you sort of talk about it but you're really interested in something else learning behavior ultimately outcomes are you better are your students better off from what you learned did you change your practice that's what kurt patrick said sink deliberately about the questions you asked to evaluate what you're doing this is a scholarly approach now it's a circle it's a wheel what does it look like pdsa anybody familiar PDSA right this looks like a curriculum development wheel they're all the same this is nothing new this is anchored in what you already know and do you see what's out there you identify something to change it you evaluate it put it back into play that's what it is it's so straightforward we should be done with the talk now but we're not why why aren't we so there are some reasons that we don't actually do this and I know I know these reasons they're great reasons right so how do I know we don't do this Jeff Norman who's the editor of advances in health sciences education it's a great journal on Health Professions education he wrote we accept thirteen percent of submissions simply because only thirteen percent are acceptable he's quite a tongue-in-cheek guy if you know him he's really quite caustic but his point is we send things out here look what I've done look it look at this where we haven't actually grounded it in the literature we've come up with a hypothesis and a problem statement look look what happening in roanoke look what's happening here I'm gonna I'm going to tell everyone in the world about this but you have to join the broader conversation there has to be some reason some theoretical underpinning linking what you're doing to the outcomes you expect there's a due diligence process there right the most of us don't do it why don't be well here's another reason we love we love a p-value am i right a significant p value we love data we love data look at this p is less than point zero zero one almost a hundred percent correlation between the divorce rate in maine and the per capita consumption of margarine this is real data in the US so what's the interpretation of this data what completely unrelated right there's nothing anchoring these two together who cares that they're related but they're significant I can get that published somewhere that's amazing this is literally what happens i get i have these faculty these earnest excited faculty coming in luck i've made a difference and you know what's the question why do you think those two are related well what makes you think that that has anything to do with that because there's no reflection on the current conversation there's no framework anke anchoring these together it's a lack of scholarly approach but they're significant so we tend to look past that and that's okay that's okay now we know it that's the only way we can advance right so here's the there's four major threats the first is that health professions educators are trained in the kind of clinical and research clinical and basic science research not necessarily educational research right that can be summed up the difference could be summed up in one word constructs who knows what a construct is oh my gosh see it's not your fault it's not your fault you're used to in clinical and basic science research we measure things like time and and sugars and hemoglobins I don't know what he will go of it is but you measure those things right and blood pressure and these are finite things that I can measure I have instruments and they're calibrated in the work and I can get P values from them see an education to social science it's a social science my epidemiologist says its social science right what do we measure happiness we measure self-efficacy right we measure constructs things you can't see or touch but you can approximate through what surveys self assessment right we all know how I feel about self assessment we're horrible selves Assessors but we rely on that because we look at internal constructs things we can't see or touch but through learning we are trying to affect we might be trying to affect patient outcomes or changing the behaviors of our learners but there are so many steps before that we might want to measure motivation what my epidemiologist is like what why would you ever I mean isn't there like a heart rate I can associate with that so I mean motivation is something that's a critical piece of the learning process we may want to measure that that's a construct you need help understanding constructs it's not your fault I promise that's the first threat second threat your buds right your colleagues like oh my gosh that's a great idea you should completely right about that you should totally submit that you know I just got this email in the conference in like north western connecticut on farmers and pediatrics you know for this clinic we should totally submit your idea so it's your friends who are saying this is a great idea they're not quite sure why but but they see it there's potential and there is there's great potential what you're doing but they don't know it either and so now you're sort of encouraging each other on right no no you go first you write it and I'll go with you they're well-meaning stret 3 this ole lip review right we want to stand on the shoulders of giants but it's hard it's hard and as we discussed it cripples you right so actually timely right now in time for Yom Kippur oddly enough is the seven sins and education research the first one is the case of the handicapped lit review antoni RT know who's our friend who's at uniformed services university just north of here they wrote about this and said that you know ultimately this is what grounds most studies before they start is not simply not knowing what's out there and not knowing where to look the journals are different how you search them as different okay threat for writing writing writing now phd comics got me through grad school sherry died were commiserating over how we relate to them but it's kind of cut off so i'll read it so he's he clicks one so he says yes he comes out in victory rocky pose finished your paragraph huh I am a writing god like this is how you get through a dissertation right paragraph by paragraph and you you beat yourself you figure out how to write this ridiculously long document by writing but it's different in Health Professions education writing is not a skill that you're taught so a lot of times this is what stalls people writing itself all these great ideas and they get stuck there and they they sometimes come out you talk all about him you talk how about it's great it's great you've done the lit review you can cite the top authors you're using the right words and it's just it's just like not getting to the paper somehow that's the last major threat that I see I'm going to pause there anything else anything i'm missing hit me it's ok no yes sir i was thinking is just an along about the fact that and i've seen this in more dream of time a lack of receptivity to the feedback because they feel threatened I think that's an inner thing that plays a role in everything you described and it's a very important thank you for bringing up it's a really good point so never this is advice i get my faculty you should never have the first time your work is reviewed be reviewed by the reviewers for a journal it needs to be looked at and given feedback locally you need to ask for it at every step of the process so I hundred percent agree with you feedback is it's like the elephant in every room I've ever been in we all sort of know what's lurking and we talk about it but we don't actually do anything for it right so feedback is crucial so now I mean I have a huge appreciation for it as a reviewer and a decision editor just don't I mean why is this being sent clearly nobody's read this right outside of the group or it's really harsh it's so disheartening you get all this work together you submit it and then you're sort of shut down maybe you're even desk rejected it's it's really disheartening as an author to go through this process and have a reviewer be the first one to say you've really messed up here so there are some strategies that we can talk about to identify that and it's a real it's a real struggle to convince people that they should be getting feedback along the way yes ma'am I think that while I was doing my PhD at McGill University I think that a lot of things initially may not know so the first paper that I have to write from my work like you know so initially see by reviewed by my supervisor and still I think it's six times reporter came and I think it is not only writing anything if it is a your experiment weren't many steps the journal review and at that time I didn't know that it was going to the one of the best journal that time I was not right jcm is our enterprise John like that time I was not aware of that I think it was so much difficult to publish that paper finally went but it was six times review that different level oh yeah so the learning curve oh it's a learning curve I mean a learning curve is a really nice way to put that it really stinks i mean we talked about rejection so the resilience that you need to have an academia in general not just education scholarship is really hard I think what's hard is that you become master at what you went to school for so you didn't go to school for education research right I mean I did but you didn't go to school for that you went to take care of patients or to teach or to practice basic science you went for a different reason because you love that right and now we're saying get into this other domain and you sort of expect I'm an expert over here I know what I'm doing so that should translate when it's a different set of tools and it's a different set of skills so your resilience may not follow your confidence right and that's tough it's tough but yes resilience is key and the strategies for publishing are similar I love that you didn't know you submitted to the most prestigious journal actually I should not have um so actually that's a great strategy start at the top I mean the best that you could do is get rejected with feedback peer-reviewed feedback right and I will tell you this while we're talking about publishing I don't get too much into it here but Health Professions education journals here's a little insider trading information it's a small family of journals right so how many do I review for 4 i'm a decision editor on one of them if you get reject with peer review and turn around and resubmit to another one you very well may see the same reviewers at another journal take the feedback edit it as much as you can use it as a free advice right there's a lot of there's a lot of conversation now about should that be free but take it as free advice from expertise they've given their time to help you good reviewers will say go here go to this citation good reviewers were say you know what reorganize this you've talked about it as a research article this is an innovation report restructure it and you'll have a lot more success I promise you if you take their advice you will have way more success because they will actually I've had editors say no I'm not gonna review that paper I've already I've been there with another Arctic another journal and it hasn't changed i'm not going to agree to be a reviewer and step out of the right you want someone to say yes i seen they've taken the advice and they've improved it so it's a small family um and they accept so few because he's right a lot of them come through and they're just they're not there yet any other thoughts what else am I missing well think about it you'll let me know okay all right so what can we do I'm completely and thoroughly depressed you right so so right now this is like the hardest thing ever we're all full Rebecca I can't believe it this is so embarrassing no no there's ways that you can improve okay there are some key strategies that you can use to improve the strategy 1 find a mentor so dr. wicker dr. wicker is a mentor find people who know the language who know what constructs are that could be your litmus test just walking to really raise your hand if you know what a construct is start with them okay so there's all kinds of things from the IRB how you navigate the IRB and how you write a protocol to your instruments that you design to the reefs the words that you're using all of those are affected differently in educational scholarship and your mentor will guide you through that process without a mentor it's it's just going to be very very difficult you need someone to step up and say alright here's how we're going to ease you into the waters so what I do with my students I say go out find one article in an education journal that looks like something you want to write about just one and if they come back to me they're serious if they don't they're completely overwhelmed they'll get back to me in a sec and when they're ready okay just find someone who's going to ease you into it and give you feedback strategy to find your posse so I so look so doctor what you talked about my CD I've never written a loan ever I've never done a workshop alone I mean I do these talks alone because it's not appropriate to have sherry up here with me but I don't ever write alone why would you ever write alone that's so boring and so hard I mean I wrote a dissertation I'm so done with that right with a group find someone who complements your skills and I don't mean your friends your friends are great they really are but they don't necessarily always compliment your skills so I have trouble narrowing down I stay up here and if you're familiar with I speaks communication assessment I am an intuitive which means i love the clouds I'll go to Pluto I'll come up with big ideas but when it means coming down to getting things done i struggle so i need to complement that with a doer and you'll see if you look at my CV the same sort of set of names those are my compliments they get things done right I know who I work well with they're going to hold me to task if you don't know data get somebody likes data if you don't know the structure of a manuscript find somebody knows the structure of a manuscript hey if you're not so sure of the type of learners you're working with find someone who knows your learner's better if you're doing sim find somebody in sim find your complimentary group strategy 3 join the conversation at a certain point you're going to have to dip your toe in the water right you're just going to have to go for it so starting with I'll tell you an easy way to do this is it's not even so I used to write a blog which is really funny because I don't I don't write the blog anymore so you can go look at it but it's old it was so much time so I wrote a blog and I it was kind of fun because I like to write and I throw it out there and I didn't have to proof it because I was my own peer review so I just sort of put it out there to get feedback on some ideas and this was a couple years ago I wrote about low-hanging fruit to say you know so many my faculty have these great ideas but they don't really know where to put them right these be don't really understand the outlets that everything's not background or introduction methods results discussion IM rd right so your basic research articles introduction methods results discussion well not all of your education ideas fit into that mold and so a lot of my faculty we're running into this problem of I've got an idea but I can't cram it into a research article it doesn't look like that that's not what I've done so I wrote this blog post about hey there's there's other ways to get your ideas out there in a peer-reviewed manner there's all kinds of ways or innovation or tips or advice or perspective and their peer review you should look into those so I did this and then my buddy Tony and I submitted it to a workshop for ACGME and we got some feedback we sort of said hey let's figure out where to put what you're thinking about let's help you work through that so we did that and then someone was there from baylor and i went down i gave a talk of school of medicine i got some interesting feedback from a medical school perspective right all around the same idea of mapping ideas to outlets and eventually we came back and we wrote about it for Gigi Emmy so now in the conversation I've taken this idea in this feedback and it's evolved to different lines on a CV not that that's what is about but I've given it access to different groups by doing this and that's what it's about so I've brought it to people right in front of them in talks I brought it to workshops and then I put it in an article where I can't get to you but here's information that we find valuable okay so think about joining a conversation in a way that works for you around your people it doesn't have to go right from your brain to an article it can have some stops along the way there's lots of great posters out here and I know there's some sessions on bringing your work from poster to publication and that's what it's about it's about the journey it's not about the publication I'm telling you that right now it's sometimes about the publication but not always all right so also in joining conversation if you have an innovation Stephen Cantor who is the former editor for academic medicine wrote a great editorial that if you do not have it right down the citation and take this if you're if you've ever innovated in education you should read this to page article he gives you step-by-step questions that you should ask an answer ask yourself in your team and then answer in your write-up about your innovation and it is thwarting all of the potential threats to your innovation being published one of the most frequent issues with innovations when they go to be disseminated is that nobody really describes the problem you're trying to solve remember back we are supposed to talk about an argument if I can't feel your problem if I don't have a full understanding of what's wrong of what you're trying to solve then I'm never actually going to follow you through your innovation I'm never going to sort of be with you on wire innovation is valuable so he takes you through so look for resources that exist out there to help you work through your your idea questions and lastly so from that article you can read this right that's not too small okay so so this is just from that article jg of me that i wrote with them my friends so this is a table of different journals and the types of submissions they accept the word count and basically what it is it's a quick reference guide and I know the teach website has some stuff like this to of hey where's my idea and what type of outlet does it fit and a lot of times that's what it is it's finding an outlet for what's going on upstairs just kidding ok so a lot of times it's really just mapping the outlet to your idea right so look for all the resources you can this is an abbreviated list this is focused around innovations there's lots of places you can publish research there's lots of places you can publish commentary find an editor write an editorial so there's lots of opportunities for outlets you just have to be creative on the teach website there is a full annotated bibliography of medical education journals what they're looking for and where you might consider publishing some of your innovations thank you so the last strategy is around writing okay and so you know someone once said if you want to run faster run faster if you want to write more right more that's the biggest key that i could give you around writing writing is really really difficult most of you are not trained to be writers most of you were trained to do something clinical with patients in the lab you are not taught to write and it could be hard it is hard for a lot of folks it is the mechanism for getting your ideas to a broader audience you will have to learn this skill if you want to join the conversation you will have to learn this skill and there are ways that we can do that so first of all think about it this way the doing of your thing and the writing about your thing there are two different things okay and a lot of times you have the same group and a lot of times you don't and that's okay but sort of mentally prepare for the fact that you just went through and you did this awesome innovation it works so well the residents love it they learn so much right you residents you learned so much it was so great and then you go to write it up and you're out of steam like well I mean can't we just like throw the IRB protocol into a Word document and then we're done you could if it was really well written protocol right and you see so many of those right jeter baby okay so maybe in the future so there are two different things so psych yourself up think about that you can work on them at the same time right so you can be doing your thing and you're writing a background so here's a key actually for that the people I work with we spend a lot of time on the protocol because who wants to go back and do a litter of you and a background when you have results oh my gosh is there anything worse like oh let's go now search the literature no write a really good protocol and that's their opportunity to write your argument then it's done then literally you can cut and paste into a man you scrap drop a manuscript draft literally I mean the protocol wants a background you want a background right and you want some research questions you probably want some methods right so use this as an opportunity to flush that out so you can do it at the same time or you can do it sequentially okay we've done the thing now who's my writing team now we write about the thing with me okay second off this is my favorite my faculty or like oh I just can't find the time I can't I can't find the time to write I mean I I can't find the time I just can't I hear you I hear you but here I have to tell you it's not hiding from you literally the time is not hiding you can't find it because it doesn't exist you have to make the time anyone who's ever published anything has chosen to write instead of doing something else they didn't find time they didn't oh like this oh my gosh there's like three hours that I don't want to do it no everybody's made the time it's hard work it's hard work we all do it outside of our office most of us do if you like it if you believe in it do it make the time and I promise you it's easier if you do a little bit very often if you try to take a full day right around our four it's done you're out so find the time make the time okay choose to write instead of something else next just get your horrible draft out and no one's judging you you're not getting graded there are no gold stars being awarded get it on paper start with the methods first if that's where you're most comfortable start with how you feel about this work just break the seal get something on to your word document it can be in reflection form that's what it is it's just a sort of i'm thinking about this right just get it out there you need to start somewhere right you're horrible draft this is also a good way to engage your posse to say look I wrote for sentence is about how much fun we had okay so whatever their give give something to your people give something anybody had the conversation about author order at the end has anyone ever had that experience it's super awkward sometimes you know like okay we've all done this much work who's first where your silently thinking like clearly it should be me I mean she did nothing so and then someone throws out alphabetical order and i'm like 'i and then wickers like no so a senior out there so you know you have to think about it early and have the conversation before you start it actually correlates to how much time you're dedicating if your first author you're giving the most if you're senior author you are responsible for reviewing it's an active role you are the mentor you are helping along the way everyone in between you're given assignments complete your assignments don't hurt your first author have the conversation early it actually it also makes the writing of the thing more formal it says to everybody we're going we're in this is what we're doing who's responsible for what heaven's sakes assigned deadlines to your people we all want to work the night before a deadline give us a deadline so we can work all night towards it um lastly I feel so strongly about this that I have to say it so many times polite summaries are so boring to read they're so boring like make RT notes at this Blanchard said that no like we must do this we must do this your literature review should start it had this Brady and I talked about your braiding these things it's like the slide I should go through I should hear all this stuff and you're going to dump me out to where the only possible opportunity for advancement is what you're about to tell me next so that I say that is the best solution their intervention I can't believe we haven't done this intervention before they're geniuses that's what your background in your lit review should do for me it should set me up if you read you know read these backgrounds read an article for structure don't read it for content next time take an article from academic medicine don't pay attention to what they're saying pay attention to how they say it they use words like must need to there's a dearth of literature if we want to advance right in reaction to they use words like hey guys we have a call to action here we've answered it so you know good thing you downloaded our article I mean it's really engage your bravado in this and lastly engage your Posse that you just assign small right now I have a team ones working on writing up the methods ones working on the role of women getting small grants in the institution I asked her two paragraphs and three citations it was like okay so that's I mean literally people just want to know what just give them the finish line here's the finish line that's it it's not a manuscript is literally a paragraph at a time that's all it is it's not a paper it's a paragraph at a time are there any other strategies that I've missed that work for you really nothing I'm super quiet in here okay yes I can't emphasize engaging your Posse anymore ms just and through teach we are developing what we previously did it do a medical education scholarship support group we called it mess cleverly and unruly thought it was so clever but it's just a group of people who are equally passionate about doing education scholarship and coming together and we had I'll talk about what we had previously we had just come together as friends who really liked to do education research and then we said you know what none of us really likes to do literature reviews so megan megan has our library and she loves to do that stuff so we got her involved we had somebody who's involved in data crunching I do not love data crunching she's great at it god bless you we have that somebody I love editing we have somebody to do that we just bring together this natural complementary group and it just we published a lot way I think in the past two years when we wrote it up we had published 13 things just based on that group and encouraging so engage your boss yes I didn't comment about finding a mentor with darker music first came here I had after the interview him and CB in front of me [Music] thank you for that comment that's so valuable so there's so few of us that are sort of standing back and have enough time there's nothing worse than going to a conference sitting every 15 years ago we better write this what do they know so there's nothing worse and it's so true and the only way you know that what you're doing is valuable is to see what everyone else is talking about to say I'm coming to Adam okay guys are so ten years ago um so it's really important because we actually don't think a lot of people so I congratulate you for being in this room and identifying yourself as education scholars a lot of people do this stuff and see themselves as teachers they don't see it as a separate craft teaching is part of my role as an ex right as a PA nurse practitioner as a physician a surgeon as part of my role as part of what I have to do here is part of the clinic of a school or whatever but if you can step back and see it as its own as its own craft its own body of literature its own opportunity for improvement as its own career path then you have the opportunity to compare your strategies with those of others it's really difficult to step back and say that this might be valuable for someone else I come back to thinking about who is standing in the beginning and who was standing at the end in the beginning so um think about it this way so basic science if you're working on a specific right then you have to publish that the other guys working on that gene aren't Denmark right so the only way you're going to reach them is through the journal but here in Health Professions education land you've got buddies across this system across karelian we're interested in what you're doing do you have friends who are interested in what you're doing and in your discipline so you you can publish to get that word out but it can be more incremental in its process to get feedback so you can give talks you can put it in a poster you can put it in the journal to advance at different stages and you will get receptivity at all of those stages anything else no yes but um there's a technique for writing because I think that holds up a lot of people show you're familiar with it which is the Pomodoro Technique no okay it sounds aggressive if our tomatoey really it is a business actually tomatoes so does anybody else know about this pomodoro technique please I need to know instead of invention it because this is something that I teach my packing so for the people who don't know me I'm thinking this is age my name is a charge edit am actually a charity ethics and citizens and dean for faculty development at the University of South Dakota it's going medicine and I'm here as a visitor and I feel following Dean Johnson this week cosmic beings fellow association american medical colleges but this is a topic that is very close to my heart and as department chair I need a department which is primarily clinical that you have some researchers and our clinicians are the ones who's probably the most with scholarship so I teach them this technique it's called the Pomodoro Technique you can look it up what is this technique it is it's tomato in Italian I guess this was someone who is having difficulty learning and used a kitchen timer and it looked like a tomato so that's that's what it's a timer for 20 minutes and so when you say you know nobody has time almost anybody can find 20 minutes to write and it's just writing in those 20 minute blocks basically and you give yourself a fireman right you write again if you have to do that so I just wanted to make the audience aware of this technique that's wonderful thank you so much it's true so 20 minutes at I like calling it the Pomodoro Technique because it sounds super fancy so thank you for that yes we should all implement the Pomodoro Technique so 20 minutes at a time it gets a lot easier when you can incrementally add it unless you and Chris I think you mentioned clinicians oftentimes because we're not hot it's not you know if I approach my colleagues you bring up this type of the topic it's like oh I don't see patients I don't see value yeah institution doesn't you know kind of value this I'm not paid I don't get incentive I don't get any sort of things I was curious how you engaged or if you had advice on engaging our other colleagues who view this as as not only a difficult new subject but also on that is not valued by in in terms of giving time or money or resources or affray you know it's all sort of self driven cell factorization but but for those that don't self-actualize any thoughts are inexperienced though you don't get paid to teach no just kidding I hear you well it's going in the research piece as well as the team that's the thing what's ironic is they do it and they love it but you bring that up as they you know when your new faculty evaluation yeah you know it's really interesting um I have lots of thoughts on that actually so that's the world in which I live and then I'd love to hear your thoughts aren't you so so let me begin by saying it's not so it has to be realistic your goals for rewarding this type of scholarship and advancement in education research and scholarship it is largely intrinsic motivation so we like to teach so we teach and particularly in a new medical school campus we're starting to attract maybe faculty who want to teach coming here rather than putting education and saying now you have to teach so the message may start to evolve right having education days where you recognize and showcase work that is done as valuable and you celebrate that is one way another way is also slightly informal is to send out public recognition around teaching awards for other opportunities for educational scholarship to say dr. wicker was awarded you know congratulations on whatever announcement or ever award if there's some sort of of twitter handle we were talking about twitter and you can tag it and sort of promote people teach academy is huge so faculty academy the dr wickers brought from duke so this concept and being led by somebody who understands this faculty academies give formal structure to recognizing the role of Education in clinicians and scientists formally you can create promotions pathways that value education scholarship and research so base date for 30 years was affiliated with Tufts University and we just recently switched switched to UMass Medical School my CV doubled when we went to UMass because there were more opportunities for me to showcase what I was doing beyond research articles they wanted to know what courses i taught they wanted to know what educational products i had contributed materials if there's a role for that on your cv use it and now you're start to see that these are meaningful contributions to my work just like becoming a physician the role of teacher and educator has a professional identity formation you don't sort of all of a sudden say yeah i'm a teacher everything's great there are different ways that you decide whether or not that looks like you does that look like what i want to be and there are different messages that we get very formal through promotions or informal through hey I kind of like doing what she does or what he does I want to be more like that the more that our clinician educators mentor others the more of that community will be built and so that's what teach is about that's a whole purpose of faculty academies right to two more formally create those mentor relationships it's a convoluted question and I'm afraid I didn't do enough to answer it it's really is a culture it's a culture you're building it does not it's turning a cruise ship it's not going to happen quickly would you like to add yeah just a just a couple of points to make you follow up on what Rebecca said with regard to emotions criteria the LHC is now putting it with this initiative of holistic review for Sacramento motion we've done this for admissions to medical school admissions to residency and so there's a session actually at the medicine of leaf meeting in Seattle that pie will be facilitating here in a few weeks so that takes into account obviously different types of scholarships also we will be talking about that so that's one piece of it I think you know Rebecca rightly I mentioned this the closure so it starts at the top with us in my institution our Dean places a very high premium on this quality work of any type and that's something that those of us more important is also then foster and hour division Chiefs are the people that I instructor foster that as well and then we celebrate successes at my faculty meetings every month I announced all the papers that have been published on the presentations at my faculty have given and we put up posters in our clinic actually that people have presented so that we can see the work that are going maybe find colleagues find that Posse find mentors and also you know where nothing if we're not compare right so they look at it I can do there that I can do better than that you know so it builds builds on itself as we as we get it going yes comment first I gotta steal your thunder here but I want to emphasize that Eric it's pretty comfy take model and digital measures was the faculty enter things into paul support the very things you're talking about take into account teaching prowess etcetera so I think the model we have your vistas you you guys agree with me absolutely I think it's good back in his the advantage of the models I was afraid of getting individual measures I share this with Bruce recently but had to have to get into that and get my CV converted into that so and it's not difficult so I'll just throw that a little bit of encouragement in thank you excellent and we do send out we recently sent begun sending out a monthly e-newsletter and includes direct links to our website that say like look what our educators are doing you put your information your scholarship in digital measures it's automatically put into our system and we say look at these awards these teaching awards everything around teaching the teaching words they want these posters they've probably presented publications they've also had so yes our way yeah it's really hard but it's it just takes it takes mentors to identify somebody else who's interested in it to give them encouragement so even if you can't serve as a mentor looking to somebody say that's innovative that's creative I wonder what else has been done like that that's like the first tip to say go to the literature or see what is out there or start exploring this and then send everybody to sherry kitchell shelter any other questions thoughts feedback I'm open to public feedback it to the mother thank you so much Rebecca thank you very much for being here so early i preciate it everything rebecca has talked about today will be repeated at 12 and at five thirty three colleagues who are unable to attend this morning also our eleven o'clock breakout sessions one is getting your innovation started with developing a poster another is making the most of your library resources super important as Rebecca mentioned can I just raise that as an issue i think i'll probably pestered unicycle permit piece yet for those of us who have outreach clinics in Lexington and Lynchburg and I want to be part of these but we need a active facetime some kind of in a web casting what you know I think I've been bugging people at nauseam I'm lucky because this week I'm on rotation your honor but wait uh normally I'm not physically here and I'd like to be part of these conferences in even if it's like somebody it's hard I father we do at least have world videotaping them also there at least the honor I understand the engagement we just don't have the resources evidence like to have somebody in port of the rooms do you need but we are working on that so at least for now we have the videos our third session will be on okay maybe you have a lot of posters but getting the posters to publications like so please take part of those those are eleven o'clock and repeated at four-thirty and we tried to put them next to the other session so that we can pair them people don't have to travel so much thank you all for thank you well you'll see in the rest of day.
Poster Presentations for TEACH Education Day 2016
Education Day Breakout Sessions
Turning Innovation into a Poster
Presenter: Deirdre Rea, MSN, RN, Senior Care Coordinator-Behavioral Health, Family and Community Medicine, Carilion Clinic
Objectives: Apply visual grammar, balance, and gravity. Apply graphics, word count and fonts. Use messaging and presentation.
Video Presentation
Session Resources
Making the Most of Your Library Resources
Presenter: Mary Catherine Santoro, MLS, Outreach and Instruction Librarian, Health Sciences Library, Carilion Clinic
Objectives: Practice the use of library resources through MyAthens. Discuss the location of the library’s How-to-Guides. Identify Google Scholar and PubMed through Carilion library links to maximize access to full text articles. Select effective search terms when conducting research.
Video Presentation
Session Resources
Poster to Publication. . . Taking the Next Steps
Presenter: Jeannie Garber, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, Associate Professor, Nursing, Jefferson College of Health Sciences and Assistant Professor, Department of Interprofessionalism, VTCSOM
Objectives: Explore how to determine what poster content is potentially publishable. Develop as journal selection process that will increase the probability of publication. Discuss strategies to overcome the barriers of moving from poster to publication.
Video Presentation
Session Resources
The Art of Demonstration in Anatomy Instruction: Should I Model or Not
Author: Saleem Ahmed, MBB,Ch, FCPS
Originally Presented: American Association of Anatomists 2015 Meeting Western University London Ontario, Canada
Implementing the Flipped Classroom: Success and Challenges
Authors: Helena Carvalho, MD; Margarite McCandless
Originally Presented: International Association of Medical Science Educators, Nashville, TN
Experience with Mini Multi Interviews (MMI) for Selection of Medical Resident Candidates
Authors: Aaron Clark, MD; Anita Kablinger, MD, CPI
Originally Presented: MMI- VT Pedagogy Conference, Blacksburg 2014
Preceptor and Medical Student Perception of Medical Students Comfort with Ultrasonography
Authors: Criss T, Heitz C, Papazian J., Young J, Scmidt-Dalton T, Pline E, Dallas A.
Originally Presented: TEACH Education Day 2016 VTCSOM Roanoke VA
Blood Transfusion practices as Quality Improvement : Implementation of an education initiative to reduce blood product utilization among IM residents
Authors: Apostolos (Paul) Dallas; Kami Arulraja, MSII; Ian Crandell, MS, Sarah Ford, DO, Josh Gazo, MD, Kenny Quam, MD, Heston Schuetz, MD Shah Zaman, MD
Originally Presented: Internal Medicine Quality Project Conference, Roanoke, VA
Improving the Problem-Based Learning Experience for Year 2 Medical Students
Authors: Joanne Greenawald , Sarah Fogel, ME Richard Vari, PhD
Originally Presented: AAMCs southern Group on Educational Affairs Charlotte NC
"To Do" and "Not to Do" List: A Quick Guide in Learner Centered Large Classes
Author: Shireen Hafez, DVM, PhD
Originally Presented: Conference on Teaching Large Classes, July 2015 Blacksburg, Va.
Using the ASH abstract supplement issue to teach new advances in clinical hypertension to internal medicine residents
Author: Bruce E. Johnson MD
Originally Presented: American Society of Hypertension, 30th annual meeting, NY, NY May 2015
Establishing a New GME Training Protocol for Ultrasound-Guided Insertion of Central Venous Catheters
Authors: Kees, D. W., Kuehl, D. R., Musick, D. W., Kroker-Bode, C. A., Paget, C. J. , Foroozesh, M. B., Fortuna, T. J. , Tamela Morgan, RN
Originally Presented: AAMC Group of Resident Affairs New Orleans, LA
Training New Residents on Handoff Procedures: A Pilot Study
Authors: Kees, D. W., Musick, D. W., Prusakowski, M. K., Kuehl, D. R., Schopf, R. B.
Originally Presented: Carilion Clinic Research Day, Carilion Clinic April 5, 2016 Roanoke, VA.
Quality Improvement: Morning Report Revitalization
Authors: Thomas Kingston, MD, Michael Quinn, DO Yunan Wang, MD, Henry Weigle, MD, Bradley Allen, MD, Tomer Pelleg, DO, Chad DeMott, MD
Originally Presented: QI/QA VTCSOM Internal Medicine Residency Project Roanoke, VA, 2016
Case Conference Preparatory Curriculum: A Six Step Approach
Authors: Ralph R. McKenzie, DO, MSTahnee WongOkafor, MD, MH, MBAMaya Bhasttacharyya, MD, MSCaleb Pagliasotti, MD, MPH, Neetu Sakkari, MD, Julian Lagoy, MD, Shady Shebak, MD, Anita Kablinger, MD, CPI
Originally Presented: Carilion Research Day 2016
Interprofessional Education: How Unconventional Methodology Can Develop Interprofessionalism in Undergraduate and Graduate
Authors: McNamara, J. P., Tousman, S. A.
Originally Presented: CIDER Conference Virginia Tech
Self-Reported Gains in Knowledge & Performance by New Hired Nurses Completing a Simulation Workshop on Clinical Care Fundamentals
Authors: Julie Morris, DHEd, Misty Flinchum, BS, RRT Ashley Bossard, BS, Amanda Anderson, BSN, RN, PCCN, Susan Blankenship, BSN, MS, PCCN Margaret Perry, MSN, RN-BC, David Musick, PhD
Originally Presented: VASSA August, 2016
Defining the Medical School Learning Environment: An Exploratory Survey
Authors: David Musick, PhD, Daniel Harrington, MD Richard Vari, PhD, Aubrey Knight, MD, Cheryl Valentine, MBA, Felicity Adams-Vanke, MD Tracey Criss, MD
Originally Presented: Carilion Clinic Research Day 2016
Medical Students' Self-Rating of Interprofessionalism Knowledge & Performance Before and After Simulation-based Education
Authors: David Trinkle, MD, Tracy Criss, MD, Misty Flinchum, BS, RRT, Julie Morris, DHEd, Ashley Bossard, BS, David Musick, PhD
Originally Presented: CIDER Conference Virginia Tech, February 2015
Medical Student Education for Ultrasound Guided Injections in the Lumbar Facet Joints
Authors: Oleg Uryasev, BS, John McNamara, DC Apostolos (Paul) Dallas, MD
Clarify ACGME Survey Elements to Paint a Clearer Picture of Program Improvement Needs
Authors: S. Whicker, EdD., MEd, David Musick, PhD, Don Kees, MD
Originally Presented: 2016 Group on Resident Affairs (GRA) Annual Conference, AAMC, New Orleans, May 2016
The Real Club Med(ical Education): What's Behind a Successful Non-Clinical Journal Club?
Authors: S. Whicker, EdD., MEd, Alisa Nagler, JD EdD, Mariah Rudd, BS Mitchel Heflin, MD
Originally Presented: CIDER, 2014 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.