
  • Shari Whicker, MEd, EdD, Senior Director, Office of Continuing Professional Development and TEACH
  • Mariah Rudd, MS, Manager, Education and Faculty Development, Office of Continuing Professional Development and TEACH


Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize key functions of WebEx.
  • Identify tips and tricks for using WebEx for teaching.
  • Employ WebEx to engage online learners.

Everybody good to see you let me see your name it just um just a heads up everybody is being muted upon entry so if you need to ask a question you can unmute yourself but for now I just have everybody so you can either unmute yourself or just type within the chat box and how you over the chat box is by floating over the bottom of your screen and there is a little and that will open a chat box over on the right hand side and the little people icon and right to the left of it person icon if you click on that that will open our participant also you can see everybody is participating which will be helpful during that conversation so today we are talking about WebEx synchronous online yesterday we discussed the synchronous online teaching fools you this is very similar but has some different additional benefits and drawbacks that you'll see from using this what we're going to do today so today Moriah red and weeds are analogous turkey headed and I am going to I and Sandy are going to be monitoring the chat function over to the right side so if you have a question I don't want to take it in there and then because it's such as we're especially we've noticed wait for the right applause and we can ask your questions at that point or at the end and just to let you know this is a half hour long session but we have the room scheduled for an hour and go beyond that if we need to if you have questions or want anything demonstrated after honey did 30 minutes of so welcome to all and go ahead and take you away Moriah everybody especially noone like dr. wicker mentioned we're gonna talk about WebEx Jay I apologize if you attended our sessions or one of our sessions yesterday because a little bit of the content the beginning at end will be the same but I will try to move quickly so that we can get to the good the need of the content on the focus on WebEx so our learning objectives are here but but predominantly we just want to increase your knowledge and comfort with using WebEx or any kind of synchronous online learning experience um also if you're for in-person teaching many of these are the same but there are several challenges so finding a good time good duration that works for yourself and your learners you can experience internet or technological issues you can have disengaged or under over motivated learners you might have learners who are varying learning levels your faculty your staff might be unfamiliar with the platform that you're going to use to present your synchronous online learning or there could be a lack of preparation so again many of these tips are both important for in-person and online learning experiences but um I think that these are helpful if you're putting together an online learning activity it's important to establish clear expectations and also clear clear learning objectives um I think for our purposes for online synchronous learning the important parts are really understanding our technology becoming familiar with it and utilizing all the interactive functions that are available and we're gonna talk about a bunch of those here today as they relate to WebEx um in the focus closure I have been learned a lot about WebEx we use it often for our webinars within our office but Sandra Dee Hart who is also on this call generally manages those webinars for us but through the last couple of weeks since we decided to hold these sessions I've been trying to collect as much information and play that's as much as I could um so that I could share best practices and all the schools with you guys but if I don't have an answer for you today I will definitely find one so feel free to chime in or put something to chat if you have a question um so Web Apps was initially created for businesses but had become a popular tool um in the last few years just like zoom it's in an interactive online webinar I'm gonna has video conferencing capability screen sharing polling chat and it's all table based so WebEx is supported by Kirlian TSG which is a great advantage they find that it's very secure um this morning sherry didn't know just because it's secure that doesn't mean we should be sharing thi via WebEx but for the purposes of hosting a meeting or a learning session it is secure um there is a computer a tablet and a mobile app available for WebEx that are all pretty user friendly and again you have access to the pro or paid account with your Kirlian Active Directory and let's talk about how you gain access to that so WebEx is used again for video and audio meetings online presentations teaching online screen sharing collaboration conference calls you can use it for virtual office hours and have lots of capabilities um many of the platforms that we're going to discuss or have discuss share a lot of the same uses and benefits so really just have to find which one you're most comfortable with and which best aligns with your needs so here's a WebEx again is available to our Crillon clinic employees to get access you'll need to put in an Edison request on your desktop there's the Edison icon where you can put in a access request to receive WebEx or WebEx account so that you can host a meeting many of you may have may have already requested an accountant so that's wonderful but if you haven't you can also sign up for a free account I may just have some limitations but it couldn't eat a lot of your needs just so you know all of the participants participate for free without having to sign up for an account but it also does help if they have that so you can start a or schedule a WebEx meeting either in real time work for a later time you can do that through the the website Karelian WebEx comm if you've requested a trillion account or download the app which is been really helpful um here are three screenshots to show you what the web application interface for WebEx looks like versus the desktop application both of them when you're scheduling or starting a meeting walking through the necessary steps that you need if you're scheduling a meeting what's the name of the meaning what's the date the time duration all of those things there are also some advanced options that you can select when you are scheduling a meeting you can turn off the entry and exit tones which i think is important if you're starting a meeting now they call that a personal room and from within the meeting you can actually invite people in real time to attend that or for the scheduling of a meeting you can directly send folks an email check their out or a calendar invitation to Outlook or for that coming meeting webex automatically creates a password for the meetings for the extra security and like sherry talked about this morning when we were going over this if you have a calendar invitation it generally will populate a password for you just to keep it so that those who have a direct invitation to the session don't have to go through the process of remembering and putting that in when you're setting up a meeting I think it's important to make sure that you have audio capabilities selected so that people can either bounine or use their computer audio we found that usually the phone audio is a little bit more stable um when everybody especially you have a large number of people couldn't be a computer audio it can suck a lot of the bandwidth and then cause some delay or breakup issues so that's usually a good choice or at least give people option and also when you set up a meeting you can either from the scheduler or when you're in a meeting you can mute everybody upon entry you never know and still people can unmute themselves even when they're muted upon entry I think there's also a setting where you can prevent folks from unmuting themself because inevitably somebody the person that will unmute themselves is the person with a fine baby in the background or a low barking dog or something like that in the problem is that when people go to attend to the crying baby or the loud barking dog or something of that nature they're not at their computer to hear you saying please make sure you're behind them so one benefit is that you can manually when you talk about other ways like you can mute individuals from the participant list or next to their images as they're shown in your view for with with everyone's picture if they have their camera on but we can get to that here a little bit for scheduling meeting if you're going through the Karelian WebEx site here's what it looks like when you lock them in and your scheduling again it's pretty simple it'll walk you through all the necessary steps for scheduling meetings and the URL to access this once you get um you know sign up through Edison was on the last slide and we'll make sure to post these online so you guys have access when you're ready to host a meeting you can go again to the web or if you have the app and next to the specific meaning that you want to start you'll hit the green start button um because of stability issues and to avoid accidental screen sharing WebEx recommends that you close all extraneous applications during your meeting and then once you enter as the host or as a participant actually um you'll see a floating toolbar at the bottom of your screen and those have some of the basic hosting a participant functions then there's also a menu bar at the top of your screen so here's what the top of the menu bar looks like and here in this participant section is where a lot of the you can turn off the entry or exit tone you can assign privileges or take them away from individual participants and then you can also meet those upon entry mute everybody if you are getting a lot of background and always unmute everybody if you want to open up for discussion you'll notice as a participant if you click on that participant menu you'll see the same options I'll be grayed out for you so you won't be able to access them and one thing about WebEx it's a little bit different from zoom that we talked about yesterday if you can't actually assign co-hosts within WebEx however you can move the presenter ball and I'll show you that here a little bit on to other participants so they can share their screen or take controls but you can't have co-hosts unfortunately within but we do very strongly recommend having somebody else as a virtual co-host even though they don't normally close so I am monitoring the chat function I'm making sure that so Maya doesn't have to worry about it I and CD are both looking at to see if anybody comes up to you or something like that so that we can handle those entry thank you um and sure you mentioned this is the beginning this session but I always think especially as a host but even as a participant it's a great practice to open the participant list and the track box when you first enter a meeting those are found at the on the floating toolbar at the bottom of your screen the participant list looks like the little people icon on the floating toolbar and then the chat looks like a little chat bubble with the participant list open as the host you can go through and next to each name you can meet new people or turn off their video for individuals in the meeting and then as a participant on that participant list but you have the option to raise your hand so if we were voting or we were asking for approval or something you got to be able to click the raise hand function um next to your name so there are several tools for collaboration within WebEx um there is a integrated polling option which is really nice and the cool thing about the polling within WebEx is that you create the questions within the app and they are you can actually also import them from a file and you can save individual whole poll results and then as opposed to zoom which offers polling you can actually ask open-ended questions here which and zoom only allows you to ask some multiple-choice questions you can also share your content you can share your screen you can create a whiteboard to create a visual for your participants to view the raise the hand function like we talked about if you wanted to vote or create some sort of yes/no query or all opposed or all against there's the chat box which we talked about and there's also annotation I'm so right now I'm actually going to stop sharing and I'm going to start a whiteboard just so you guys can see what that looks like and the whiteboard sharing is found just at the bottom your screen like you would share any other document it's a little up arrow um on the floating toolbar at the bottom and it says you know share a whiteboard so can you guys all see the whiteboard now and as the host I can draw and I don't really have a good visual to create but if you have some process that you wanted to share with people you could demonstrate it there I think you're going to give you share and you allow others to annotate they can also draw on the well you can actually annotate on anything that you're sharing so right now I'm just open to the annotation for everybody so you should see a little black side toolbar and you should be able to circle things on the screen or underline so that people can engage with the content free go ahead draw on the board alright sorry I took I took it away but just wanted to demonstrate that creativity sorry I they need to say for you so and when you're the the host in your sharing either the the whiteboard or your screen here's the little toolbar that comes up on when you're hosting so you can see you can still have access all your chat in the annotate and then the other features it allows you to toggle between different shares so I stopped sharing the whiteboard and went directly back to the PowerPoint again we looked at the whiteboard but along with and I guess we've already talked about annotation did we I don't have it but um here are some of the privileges you can set when people are are to allow people to annotate in advance or to allow them access to share in advance but you can also access those from the top toolbar or when you're have the annotation open on the whiteboard open from the left-hand toolbar that you you'll see here this top little pencil looking icon I was able to grant rights to allow people to annotate from here either an individual so it could just let sherry draw or I can say allow everybody to draw on the board so I guess depending on what you're presenting or how many people in the group you wanted to be able to draw at at one time you could grant rights individually so I talked a little bit about polling and so I'm gonna open up a poll that I created here for you guys so as you'll see with this left hand screenshot underneath where the chat is a little another box that looks like this should open as soon as I open the poll for you all and it's an open-ended question so feel free to take a couple of seconds and respond so we are asking what are some ways that you guys could use WebEx for your teaching does everybody see the the pull pop-up if you don't let me know if you all want to just type in that please set time limits on it so you set a time limit in advance and then once you close it and actually give like a 20-second countdown for people to UM go ahead and submit I can see actually as the host you know that there are two people tightening or with their responses in progress and I can see that five people have completed it and if you don't want to respond don't feel pressure to so it's just an exercise so I'm gonna actually give you guys a twenty second countdown um you should also see that the poll is about to close that's right a little bit of a delay for this countdown which I think it's nice if you have people that are trying to respond quickly so when you're ready to share the results I'm assuming you guys can't see the results you guys hear me oh good we can't see the results yet you say I did and they are coming up for some reason the the poll is it's frozen but what happens when you share the results it creates like a report within your web browser and you're able to share it with everybody within the meeting in general unfortunately it is not populating right now but it generally works pretty okay here are a couple of tools for engagement that are available within WebEx so I think we talked about this a little bit earlier but um you can only have one host per session however you can't easily pass the present the presenter role um in order to allow multiple participants the opportunity to share their content or take the lead um on the participant list there's a little WebEx ball next to my name and as the host I'm able to drag that ball on to anybody on the participant list and in order to grant them rights to take over as present report for a designated amount of time so I could say okay sure you're gonna have five minutes as presenter and I can drag the ball and then Windows five minutes are up I can't Nam I can take them away again you can share files you can share applications you can share your screen there's many ways to share content through WebEx the chat box and then another feature it's also available in zoom is the past the keyboard mouse control so if you want to give someone the ability to remotely use your mouse from their computer you can pass that I control to somebody else which is really helpful for people who want to really illustrate something or communicate something in a way that they're heard and then they can just login or remote and sort of like Mariah described it is you know when you call TSD and they remote into your computer and they take some unique um functions of WebEx so you can integrate WebEx into office 365 there's a plugin that you can add so that way you could click that little app the icon once you install that and you can automatically start or schedule or schedule WebEx meetings through through Outlook which is nice you can again the polling allows you to have short a short answer option which isn't available to assume um you can create meeting notes so there is a notes box that you can open within WebEx and you can take notes while you're live within a meeting you can create a meeting transcript so um it'll automatically generate a transcript of everything that was said I'm within the meeting I I've seen it before and they're not always 100% accurate because the technology just will pick up what it can but it can be useful if you're trying to jog your memory about something that you talked about during meeting our presentation um you can record your WebEx meetings which is really great we're doing them now and we're gonna post it online so people can then we're not unable to attend reference it later you can individually remove someone from work um give or remove privileges so screen sharing privileges annotation privileges some things like that and then you can also create a welcome message which I think is a kind of a cool feature so when people log in to the meeting they'll see a message that you create and this can be accomplished from the top menu bar what's up yes I guess if you had anything you wanted to share with your learners or participants in advance hey please make sure your mute it sees you know any kind of instructions or make sure that your um have this open so we can discuss it things like that a couple of tips for WebEx I think what's important is if you want to use WebEx and you're not comfortable with it schedule a test session either with us or your colleagues ahead of time we're happy to help in that way you can troubleshoot before you get into your meeting I think it's always important to start your meeting and this is regardless of the platform that you're using about fifteen minutes early that way it gives people a chance to log in and join and deal with any audio or visual issues that they might be having um you again consider disabling the entry and exit tones it's a little beep that occurs when people leave or join a meeting it's a little distracting if you have a small group I think it's probably okay but the larger the group is the more distracting it becomes especially if you have 50 or 100 people coming in and out of a meeting the the WebEx desktop app is I think really important for folks to have it just makes the makes it a lot easier to host a meeting and also to in the meeting and if people have it on their phones and they can't be sitting at their computer they can still join the WebEx when it comes to the entry and exit it's interesting because I thought that you every time I would click on my mute or unmute I hear you beep but so I thought as soon as it everybody else could hear it but that's only I can only hear it and it doesn't go to everybody so what if I did not disable that you all would be able to hear every time so many mutes or unmute or so if you have a series of sessions or a series of learning events you can go ahead and create a recurring meeting and put that on people's calendars I think that's a nice feature um again recording your sessions and archiving them or even just using them for your own reference to improve your teaching skills or for your learner's to have I think that's a nice thing a nice function to have and then you can also run a participant report from WebEx to see who's attended so if you don't have a chance to to write down everybody's names while you're live in the session you can run that report and then a couple of other things I want to talk about was if you're looking right now at people's pictures on the screen there they're the on the upper right hand corner of that video box there's a little button that says show grid view show active speaker or show active speaker oh and so active seeker and thumbnail um so you can toggle between those I think the grid view is probably the most helpful um when you have a large group so you can see everybody that's engaged within um in your chat but you can also see the speaker view if you if just one person is talking during the presentation I think that works too participant Mariah it's interesting when you load up to the upper right instead of saying that review and speaker view it's hot but it's a floating panel view and it says side by side view or videos alright well that's good to know on this slide there's just a couple edit suggestions for if you're hosting in an online session again these are important for face-to-face meetings too but I think it's important for us to remember even though we're not in person with our learners our participants we should still try to look professional and then keep I can't contact a bunch of the same presentation rules you way to use in person but for online I think that it's important that we use the engagement tools that are available to us there's a lots of them available through all the platforms that we're gonna be talking about through on these sessions and again I think it's just deciding which platform whether it's umur WebEx or teams works best for you and your needs make sure that your camera and microphone are working and that you're not too close or too far away you know make sure that you mute people who aren't presenting to avoid distractions and things like that again we're gonna post these slides online for your reference so I'm not going to go over each of them individually but just a um and so I know we moved through a lot of content quickly but we wanted to give you guys an overview of WebEx we are open to answering any questions now you can unmute yourself and speak up you can put something in the chat box if you don't have time now and you need to leave I know we've said our thirty minutes um you're welcome to email any of us or you can put in a request for our consultation you have the link that's on this um on the page or go to the teach web site which I also have a link to up here cafe so that is a great question I don't know that you can I'm assuming so it might be one of the advanced features um when you're creating a question and I can look into it and find out for you um so I know that if you're doing a multiple-choice question I assume it's just gonna show you know the aggregate results like how many people is at ABCD when you look at the report or on the short answer it does show who said what next to the name when you create the report I would assume there is a way to do that um it could be that in the meeting so they're different um so in WebEx and in zoom you couldn't you have a meetings function and you have a webinar function so Karelian doesn't doesn't support the webinar feature within within WebEx you can use this as a webinar but we just have the meetings function a zoom you do actually have both you have to request the webinar but when you host something as a webinar it gives a lot a lot more anonymity and a lot more just more like a national webinar that you had a trend where ever nobody is allowed to speak unless specifically given the rights to it up on the web it does say that you can pull anonymously it's actually confidentially because you can prevent others from seeing the names however if the presenter really wanted to see later they could look in the transcripts and see there any other questions or anything they would like to see demonstrated that's it do not hesitate to contact us again if you want us to help walk you through creating your session or you just want to tell us somebody just asked how do you if you look at the bottom of your screen you float over the bottom toolbar there's a little person a little person icon and it says open participants or post-its right in the middle you see if you're asking also I'm not sure if this is just looking at the participant list or if you're looking at trying to figure out how to download the participant list after the fact um to look at the participant list after the fact you have to go to the web interface and you can download the participant list from there and then the breakout rooms WebEx does technically have a function for breakout rooms but it's only available for like on a different kind of account that we don't have access to I think it's called like a training account through WebEx it's not something that I know where that Trillian offers us access to you could always ask if it's something that you know they could grant um people access to but I'm using the WebEx that we are given just generically you're Karelian no you cannot do breakout rooms which that is one of the bonuses of using if you don't have any more questions I think that we can go ahead and wrap up and give people first there afternoon to practice with WebEx the rest everyday stay dry thank you everyone for attending.