
  • Shari Whicker, MEd, EdD, Senior Director, Office of Continuing Professional Development and TEACH
  • Mariah Rudd, MS, Manager, Education and Faculty Development, Office of Continuing Professional Development and TEACH


Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize key functions of Zoom.
  • Identify tips and tricks for using Zoom for teaching.
  • Employ Zoom to engage online learners.

Good afternoon everyone good to see you all um so today we've already had one session we had a morning session um that is was the exact same as this it'll be a little bit different this afternoon because we have a few more people but today we're talking about zoom and how to use this as a synchronous teaching learning tool um so i know most of you my name is sherry wicker i'm the senior director for professional development and i'm the assistant dean for faculty development for the medical school and mariah rudd who will be predominantly presenting today and she is our education and faculty development manager in our office of continuing professional development um so mariah again will predominantly leave this and then i'll just chirp in um as i see fit so take it away mariah good morning ish to everyone here um like dr wicker said we're going to be talking about zoom today and um we realized that we only have this scheduled for 30 minutes um but uh we're gonna stay on for as long as people are interested to answer any questions or try to demonstrate any of the um different functions that we talk about so i'm going to move pretty quickly here at the beginning to leave hopefully leave ample time for questions and if you would make sure to hold any questions till the end because hopefully we'll cover it during the session but if not you can ask any of your questions in the chat box so if you want to go ahead and use the little floating toolbar at the bottom of your screen make sure to open your chat box so that you can ask those questions all right so these are our learning objectives for this session but truly our main goals are to increase your comfort and familiar familiarity with zoom so that you can use it for your own teaching needs um the first couple sides we're going to cover just some challenges and tips for any kind of synchronous online learning these aren't specific to zoom um so here are some challenges that may arise when you are engaged in a synchronous online learning activity so you might uh have timing issues with your learners um you might experience internet or technology issues you might have disengaged or un under or over motivated learners um you might have learners who are at various learning levels um yourself or your staff or faculty might be unfamiliar with the online learning um platform that you are um attempting to uh use to lead the session um and then there could also be lack of preparation um both on the side of the facilitator or on the side of the participant and you'll notice at least half of those um barriers are also barriers for in-person sessions so the lack of preparation be under-enthused or over-enthused the um all of those things so what we're doing with the synchronous session is really um trying to approximate the in-person sessions um so while we learned um from this week's health professions educators series session that open-ended thought-provoking questions are better um with the limited time we have we are going to ask um just a multiple choice question that also demonstrates one of the functions of zoom um so i'm going to i was going to start a bowl but it doesn't like my pull right now oh well so any we'll i'll go back to the pulling in a second but if you guys could just in the chat box um share some thoughts on how lack of preparation can either negatively impact or can negatively impact an online session so if you all have make sure you enable your chat function at the bottom and then over to the right side you can type in at the bottom you can type in your responses so how can a lack of preparation negatively impact an online session pam says make students disengaged great point pam so i would say i would think a lack of preparation on the the presenters part would really um disengage uh the students the learners what else does anybody else have any thoughts about lack of preparation i would think um oh here's one if not prepared and the teacher is moving along with the slides you'll miss the point of the teaching that's an excellent point and that sort of goes along with the flipped classroom a little bit so if a lot of times when you're using a synchronous learning tool you will provide some of the um the knowledge-based information ahead of time so if they need to review a chapter or some sort of document you might um provide that for them beforehand and then you can actually make practical use of that information when you're in this session and if they haven't had the time to review or if they didn't prepare effectively then it's you're going to have to take time to get everybody up to speed and it makes for a poor discussion excellent joellen um and it makes presenters disengaged if students aren't prepared absolutely it's it's really disheartening too if you send something and you prepare something and you ask for them to review it and they don't um that can be frustrating for the presenter all right thank you guys for pursuing the chat so this is a great example of um when when zoom fails you i did have a poll that i was going to try to display there but because i logged in on both my phone and my computer it doesn't like me very much but i will demonstrate a poll later on but um just in case something like this happens to you um don't get frazzled uh the chat is a great place to also ask the same questions that you would have if you were polling so we just kind of made the best of it so anyway we'll move on though um so here are some tips that um will apply for any online synchronous teaching tool that you're going to use i'm not going to necessarily go over each of these um specifically but we will share these slides and the session is being recorded so you guys can come back and reference them but i think just like in any in-person session like sherry said there's several things that that um we as educators can do establish clear expectations um uh set attainable objectives um and uh be enthusiastic uh when whenever you're conveying the the content to your learners i think what's important for the online teaching platforms is to um become really familiar with them and understand all the features that are available to you through each of the technologies that you might use and so today obviously we're going to talk a little bit about zoom um which shares a lot of the same capabilities um with the other two uh synchronous tools that we're going to talk about webex and teams at later um dates but um obviously today we're going to focus on zoom and something you'll hear us refer to periodically throughout this session is don't do it alone um bring in a co-host so while mariah is going to present most of the information i am monitoring the chat box when you become super adept at using a synchronous learning tool you can do this simultaneously you can present and monitor the box it becomes a little difficult especially if you have a really large group um when you have this number or a smaller um it's more manageable but uh it always helps to have a co-host or even somebody in the background to just monitor and let folks know or the presenter know when their questions asked and especially as your group is increases if you have a lot of people participating even if you're really comfortable with zoom or any other platform um monitoring 40 people giving responses in the chat box can can become overwhelming so having a co-host or even two co-hosts um which we'll talk about how you can assign people to the co-host um role i think is really useful so um so i guess let's talk a little bit about zoom so uh you need to have an account to host or run a zoom meeting but you can either have a free version which is available to all or um you can get a paid account using your virginia or access to a pro account using your virginia tech pid and we'll talk about how to get that in in a couple of minutes um zoom overall is extremely easy to host and run meetings it's very user friendly um and even though there's been increased usage and increased volume um over the last couple weeks it seemed to have remained really stable at least for our purposes and we've hosted meetings with upwards of 50 people um we had 97 people on one call um and the uh the meeting application on this worked great and there's tons of stuff available through the free version um there are some limitations to the duration of the meeting and number of participants you can have a lot of which they've expanded at this time um to make it easier for people during um the pandemic to be at home and still connect but it's still very functional so what are some reasons that you would use zoom um and we're gonna again ask you guys to go to your chat box and share some share some thoughts about how you could potentially use zoom for any kind of teaching so you've probably thought about this as you were um you're showing interest by signing up for the session what made you show interest what um what guided you to participate in this session that made you think that maybe you would use this in future we're going to give you guys a few a minute or two to respond in the chat box virtual didactic sessions excellent dave didactics virtual recruitment that's excellent that's something that we didn't even talk about um you know we're bringing folks in now and everybody's having to do a virtual interviews so um doing online interviews through zoom is a great application of it big one is a meaning so different meetings that you have beyond teaching just having a meeting through zoom so managing several student groups through zoom um joellen wants to know about polls breakout rooms etc so we will talk a little bit about break breakout rooms the basics of breakout rooms and then if you want to learn more you can feel free to uh stay beyond the half hour and we'll talk more um about breakout rooms and even test it out um keep the vtc lectures going during the quarantine stay connected avoid exposure to infection perfectly important um and something before i forget something that we want to make sure to mention is that we have to be really careful to not share private information or hipaa or phi through zoom or any other synchronous learning tool because well they seem protected they're not really all that protected even if you use a password using a password really helps um and we'll talk about that in a minute but um you shouldn't really share any um patient information yeah that's a great point all right so we've gone ahead and outlined some reasons why um why you could use zoom but i think we've done a great job of covering um most of these in the chat so we'll go ahead and so like we talked about earlier you can get a free account for zoom um it does have some restrictions and limited functionality but it can be extremely useful especially if you have a small number of learners or not a lot of recurring meetings that you need to set up and again for the pro account you can use your virginia tech pid if you don't have one yet we have some instructions here on how you can access your pid or i guess generate a pid again this is going to be posted online and actually these instructions are on our website already so if you have any questions about that let us know and the unfortunately at this time um even though we have found zoom to really be um the best application uh a synchronous learning tool um the only folks who have a paid account or a professional version are virginia tech faculty and staff and that's most of you if you have a faculty appointment with vtc you do have access to that um and all virginia tech faculty so anybody who works in vtc if you don't we can strategize about some ways that you might be able to get access all right so for starting or scheduling a zoom meeting there's two main ways that you can do this you can start a meeting in real time or you can schedule one in advance and the nice thing is about scheduling a meeting for a later time is you can add it directly to calendars whether it's gmail outlook or i think i think there are some other options but um there are three ways you can access zoom either through uh the web on a computer um you can download the computer app or also on mobile devices like an ipad or an iphone um you can have the zoom app and as you can see from the screenshots i took of what my um computer application looks like it's it's very straightforward and it walks you right through the steps of adding the information that you need especially when scheduling a meeting on the new meeting button that's in orange that's to start a meeting live and you can actually invite people right then and there when you're in the meeting the schedule button is used for when you're scheduling in a meeting in advance and to the right you'll see that it generates these sections for you to complete um what's the topic of your meeting what's the purpose when is the start and end time etc and then it'll automatically generate a calendar invitation for you some of those functional buttons are really important so do you want a password you may have heard um recently in the news a lot of people who are bored and at home and have nothing else to do they have been bombing a meeting zoom bombing or touch which they will come in and gives you all of a sudden have some images on your screen that you wouldn't otherwise find appropriate to share with in a professional meeting so if you have a password that really um helps to safeguard against that also video um you can automatically say okay i don't want anybody to use the video initially and then they can automatically um or they can manually turn on their video or off but they start without video and or audio and um so this next slide shows you what the the web interface looks like so i'm logged in with the virginia tech pid when i took this screenshot so if you have the free version it might look slightly different but i think a lot of the functions and um the interface look mostly the same but as you can see it'll show you my list of upcoming meetings my recurring meetings that i've scheduled um and where the blue hyperlink is um with the topic for each that's where you can access the advanced settings for each of your sessions and you can edit them if you want to integrate a poll which i did so earlier so seamlessly not really but that's okay it really does it is a nice function um you can do that there you can add a password so if you create something and retrospectively want to go back and add a password you can do so there and then the maroon button here for start obviously is if you're logged in through the web you can go ahead and start your meeting from there so when you're ready to start uh or host a zoom meeting you can do uh do so through the web like i showed you with the start button or you can do so um through the the computer app or on your phone um so you'll select the meeting that you are about to start and you'll hit the start button and once you do um the zoom screen will come up and at the bottom you'll have a floating toolbar that'll show a bunch of the the functions that you can go ahead and work with so you can pop up your participant list um which i think is really important to always have open so you can see who's coming in or out and you can mute or unmute add co-host functions from that participant list um you'll have the ability to unmute or mute yourself turn off your video um the chat box is located down here the the on on the toolbar um and then there's more so when i'm hosting a meeting my the toolbar moves uh from the well when i'm sharing content in the meeting as the host on the toolbar moves from the top to the bottom and we'll talk about that but this floating toolbar um no matter if you're hosting the meeting sharing content or if you're just participating is really important um and so like i was saying depending on your role in the meeting and if you're sharing content or if you're just kind of communicating in a meeting style where you're viewing people's um images is going to change where the toolbar is so the bottom floating toolbar again has a lot of the basic functions but once you're screen sharing it becomes a top floating toolbar and there's um some other functionality that you can um that you can have access to when when you are um sharing your content uh you'll see that um you can open the breakout rooms which we'll talk a little bit about later um you can uh share your screen you can annotate things like that but these functions we're going to discuss here in a little bit more detail and so i have this screenshot of this view open because i think it's really important especially if you're hosting to have both your participant list and your chat open i oftentimes like to exit the full uh full screen view because it kind of uh incorporates the chat and the participants all into one um screen you can open them all separately but i think this interface is a little bit nicer especially if you're presenting um so you can see who's coming in and out and if there's any of these reactions that are happening and we'll talk about the reactions here it a little bit and and then also the chat which is really important to monitor especially if you're looking for engagement um and so next to each participant in your in the meeting you'll see it's gonna again be a little bit different for me because i'm hosting but next to each participant on the list there's going to be different functions that as a host you can do i can turn off audio or video individually i can do this actually for everybody that joins the meeting um with the mute all button but on an individual basis i can go through next to each participant name and um either i can actually even remove them from the meeting but i can also assign them as a host or a co-host if i want to switch the presentation rights to them at that time and the mute and unmute becomes particularly important especially if you have a large meeting um and just i always start a meeting with everybody muted um because in a lot of times um people will somehow unmute themselves unintentionally and you'll get baby crying in the background or dog barking or whatever and um once baby cr is crying or dogs barking or something else is going on that person is no longer listening so you can't say um can you make sure please to um everybody mute your phones because they're not paying attention so you'll need to go in um as host that's what another reason why having a co-host is important so they can worry about that they can think about okay who is unmuted and then go in and mute them manually thank you sherry all right so now we're going to talk about some of the specific tools for collaboration um that are available within zoom so breakout rooms uh are available so you can either assign groups or you can randomize groups for breakout rooms within zoom and we're going to talk about the breakout rooms a little bit more and if anyone is particularly interested in the breakout rooms when we get to the question and answer section i'm happy to demonstrate dividing you guys into breakout rooms um so you can kind of see how it works but um we can we can touch on that more later um sharing screens so you can share a specific application you can share a powerpoint a document a website um you can freeze your screen um so if you have uh if you're traveling between different things you can freeze what the participants are seeing um and then you can seamlessly move from one chair to the next without having to exit out of screen sharing altogether um additionally there's the annotation function so within the share screen people can um from their toolbar which is more options for those participating participating um at the top on on their floating bar and you can annotate and actually draw on something that your presenter is um is working on so if i were to ask a question or want someone to circle what they saw is most important on the page um participants could do so directly on the screen that i'm sharing so can you guys see the annotation that i just created and again from your floating toolbar at the top um for the view option or more options more options option few options few options thank you um you should yep and i can see someone annotating right now and this is also a feature that you can lock if you want to if you don't feel comfortable allowing people to openly draw on what you're creating um but i think it is a really nice collaborative tool that's available um and then as the uh the host you can clear everything that people have added to the screen and another tool that we've already used several times is the chat function and while hearts and stars may not be particularly relevant um circling something on the screen when you're having a difficult time articulating like this is what i'm talking about right here um and sort of you know underlining it or something along those lines can be particularly helpful when you're trying to approximate the in-person setting um so some tools for engagement or feedback um one a great tool uh is the whiteboard function so under the sharing uh options you have the option to create a whiteboard can you guys see the whiteboard on the screen yep so if you wanted to draw a visual for your learners you could use the whiteboard function to sketch something out a process or any type of visual that you can't really that you want to talk out but you can't incorporate in in a powerpoint presentation and again i can go straight from this chair right back to uh to the powerpoint i was observing a session the other day um and a radiologist actually got a um a ct scan up on the screen and was going through and watching uh you they were able to see the process and point out um different elements of different indications on the ct scan for a particular issue which was super helpful some other tools um there's polling that you can integrate right into the right into zoom um there's an anonymous q a and a raised hand function those are only uh available with the webinar service um that is available with the pro account uh through with your virginia tech pid for faculty um but you have to request it um there are also audience feedback buttons and reactions so on your participant list you'll see those if i were to ask a question uh can you guys chime in a yes or no for if you've had lunch so everyone can hit those reaction buttons and then um once we've collected all the information we could clear it and start over with a second question if you were trying to query folks um for some sort of uh voting and if you don't see that just go to your bottom toolbar and click on participants and then the participant list will pop up and you'll see all those options and you can just click along all right so we've we've covered a lot of these and i'm just going to quickly talk about you know the unique functions of zoom so the whiteboard function we talked about remote control is is really good or can be a good feature so i love that remote control function the other day when i was talking about that observation of the ct scan um the faculty member allowed a student to take control of his screen and they were able to go through the ct scan and show where there were indications um for the issue or um what they saw that was different or they had questions about it was fabulous yeah so the remote control feature allows participants to control that your keyboard and mouse um even when you're presenting um it's kind of like when someone remotes into your computer to help you troubleshoot a tech issue um again breakout rooms these are great for small group teaching if you're doing journal club pbl some sort of advising and you want people to break out into smaller groups um simultaneous screen sharing the annotation recording a zoom meeting is really important um we're actually recording this meeting today and at the end we can either save it as an mp4 file on um on the desktop or as a cloud recording you can actually also create a waiting room for participants so if you want people to join 15 minutes before the meeting but you don't want them to actually start seeing each other or seeing the content you can place them in the waiting room area and then once you hit start everyone will um automatically move into the meeting and again there is a really great zoom app and they can be used to pretty much do everything um except for we found out earlier manage breakout rooms but you can schedule start or join a meeting from that phone or tablet app so just some quick tips for zoom again there's the floating toolbars both at the top um and bottom of your screen again if you're hosting it looks a little bit different i've shared some screenshots to help illustrate what it looks like for me the host versus what it looks like for you guys as the participant um but i think it's important to get with a colleague get with us get with um get with anyone really to test out the zoom functions before you leave a meeting um and just become more familiar with it so you can uh recognize where the toolbar is and and how it kind of floats in and out um if you hover over it on the gallery view is really great for um if you have a smaller group or team meeting so the gallery view allows you to see all participants um at once so right now i'm screen sharing so it looks a little bit different um but if you have the box open with our images in it you can look at the grid view um or the uh i think thumbnail videos but once i stop screen sharing we can look at the gallery view um but again that's where all the the video uh where you can see everyone's image you can um change the view that way yeah i really like to see everybody at the same time a lot of times faculty members especially if they're a smaller group they really want to see the students faces and that they're engaged and awake um but you can you know change it to see all of their faces are just predominantly the person who's speaking um there is a zoom website where you can go and test your audio and video before the meeting and i think that can be extremely useful if you're concerned about the stability of your connection um like we talked about earlier it's important to manage the audio and video of your participants um you can go through on the participant list and meet people individually you can mute all unmute all as the host um the default when you log in with your virginia tech pid through zoom is to not enable screen sharing for everyone in the meeting um this is for security purposes however from the bottom toolbar when you are sharing you can allow other participants all participants to um to share their screens a way to get um just individual participants in the meeting the ability to share their content is to enable them as post or co-host with you um that's something you can add the privilege to do or add the privilege for and then take away if you don't want them to be the co-host or host for the entirety of the meeting but that will allow them to have the capability to share their screen without um opening it up for everyone yeah um like sure you mentioned earlier during the meeting uh consider setting a meeting password to kind of uh avoid the zoom bombing that has been happening now i think it is a great way to add security to your meeting but at the same time it is an extra layer of complexity for those who are trying to join your meeting so so think about you know if if you really want to have a password for that meeting or not and then here's a couple keyboard shortcuts for those who are hosting again this will be posted online so we don't have to look at all of those but you guys can have those uh online um and then we uh have outlined some etiquette guidelines for all online synchronous sessions um we think this is important to remember that just because we're not uh meeting in person face to face there are still important etiquette rules that we need to follow um when when we're presenting online um so you know be conscientious of the duration address any inter internet disruptions um these any kind of disruption can happen in person or online so try not to get frustrated and and go ahead and roll forward even though that they happen um make sure you test uh look professional try not to get too close or too far away from the camera or my phone you want people to be able to see you and hear you but you don't want them to hear you screaming at them um again make eye contact be mindful of your background noise use all the features that the tool you're using has to offer for you um and i think it's important to practice so i know that we went over a lot really quickly but we wanted to give you an overview of what what zoom has to offer and what you could use it for um the zoom website has lots of great uh resources and how-to guides and how-to videos um if you're looking for more in-depth information on any of these topics but we're gonna open it up now to questions and we're gonna do our best to answer any questions or demonstrate any functions or walk through steps in detail if anybody has a specific area that they're interested in so if someone wants to ask a question they can do so in the chat box um or they can unmute themselves or turn on their video and feel free to ask away yep of note we um are at time so we realize that or we're past time it's 12 33 if anybody has to go that is totally fine but we are here we have this meeting for another half hour and we can even go beyond that if anybody has any questions or things that you would like us to demonstrate we're happy to do so all right so you guys want to demonstrate the breakout rooms okay um i am going to then randomly assign you guys to breakout rooms how many participants do we have total does anybody have account actually it'll tell me we have 21 folks so i'm going to put you guys in three rooms and so once i create the rooms um from my top menu um it automatically randomly generates three breakout rooms for you guys um and then it it kind of just places people there until i open the rooms so here in about uh one second when i click this button you guys should all get a notification that i emily i don't think i can actually share because of it i could share the screen but it's not going to show the functions within zoom we've tried that before unless you know something uh a way to do that uh unfortunately we haven't been able to make that happen but i'm gonna open the room for you guys um and then i'm gonna so you can see what it looks like and then i'm gonna pull you guys back all right so you should all have gotten a message go to your breakout rooms foreign see people pop them back in so everyone should have gotten a message that said you have 60 seconds to return um from the breakout rooms and so the breakout rooms will close i think it i think it's 60 seconds total but it gives a countdown and then when that time's over it automatically pushes everybody back into the main room and and just um a word of warning when you're popping um out into breakout rooms you will need to um bear in mind that just like an in-person session when you say okay we're going to break out into groups people start checking their phones oh i got a call and you know they start walking out the room so just be aware of that especially if you have groups of two um because of your groups might not really be groups because some people may just pop out of the room um something else i really like how the breakout room sort of approximate the in-person sessions because oftentimes i was telling my group um you'll be presenting an in-person session and you say okay break up in groups of two or three or four or five and um just talk about x or answer y and um and the breakout sessions are a great way to put people together to have those conversations um and like i was saying in my room um zoom also offers you the capability of jumping as a host jumping in the room jumping out of the room um and uh answering chats uh you can still communicate with the people in the room even if you're not in there um mariah we have a couple of questions so oh i was gonna go go ahead but i was gonna say yes you can set a timer um uh for people to spend a specific amount of time in the breakout room um you do not have to click the button to go back to the main group after the countdown uh clears out everyone is pushed back to the main room um joellen did mention yes um if you go through the web interface there is a way ahead of time to assign breakout rooms so if you know specifically how many people um are going to or which people are going to attend your session and you're sending out specific invites you can assign them individually to breakout rooms in advance um so uh the waiting room so do you want to see how to use the waiting room or learn more about what the the waiting room function is you're on mute oh yeah i cannot meet you you're unmuted to learn more about it learn more about it so i i think actually the waiting room works a lot better if you're hosting like a large group or a webinar but the waiting room essentially creates kind of a holding area for all participants before the meeting starts so you can go ahead and log into a meeting 15 minutes in advance and it just holds people there so you won't see any content you won't see any of the other participants but it just kind of holds your place in the meeting and then once the host starts the meeting it automatically brings everybody in um so it's just a way to get people already connected dealing with any connection issues go ahead and log into the computer and the audio but without having to uh fiddle around with that stuff once you've actually joined the meeting i actually was fiddling around when i was uh during this session and i noticed that i could um individually send you to um it says send to put in waiting room so i to me you know i'm home with my kids so i'm thinking is that like a time out like you mock off again you're going right in the waiting room but i actually think that um like if somebody has to step away the presenter has to step away um and address something else you know sometimes when you're in a live session you get called away um if you're just presenting um in a small group session you'll get called away but you don't want your learners to move forward so you say okay hold on and you pause all interaction and you step away and then you come right back i'm i'm thinking of it in terms of holding interviews okay you have the individual breakout rooms for the program director and faculty interviews but then when they're done they go back to the waiting room and from what i understood in my initial research was that when they go to the waiting room there's an audible sound that will go off and that kind of keeps everybody on the same page timing-wise right yeah that's an excellent approach we weren't even coming at this um somebody mentioned for recruitment we weren't even thinking about it from that perspective but that's that's a great that's a great use of that tool and then oh sorry go ahead um is there an advantage to using zoom over uh google me um i think all of these platforms have their advantages and disadvantages um we found that zoom has worked really well for us i think for a lot of folks google meet worked well because you might have a gmail account so everything kind of integrates really nicely together um i don't necessarily know that there's a advantage or disadvantage unless you have a very specific need in mind um i think they're both great tools and it just depends on um what you're trying to accomplish and what what you're more comfortable with if you're more comfortable with the the g suite um so google forms google me google gmail all those things and i say for sure use google me on the carillon side they're not quite as open and open to using google products i think they find that the security behind them maybe isn't what they would like them to be but i know on the btc side you guys all have um gmail accounts and a lot of uh what you do for the students is it within the google suite so i think using um google meet is a great option and they also um i mean carillion hasn't been super supportive of zoom either because of the security and they know tsg knows web apps and that's what they support um we've been in conversations with tsg a little bit because we as we've seen webex and teams um haven't necessarily supported our teaching needs so when we've been in different sessions webex tends to freeze a little bit more at least that's what we've seen as as does teams zoom for us has been the most flexible and the most amenable to teaching um but we can do lots of things in in teach in webex also if that's the preference for folks especially the folks on the curling side who don't necessarily have access to zoom further i think something that we're going to uh we're going to talk about uh webex at the session tomorrow and one of the nice things about webex is that it is supported by carillion so you have that kind of built-in um technology support but it also has its advantages or disadvantages depending on what you're using it for so um i actually did get my pull to work i know it's a little too little too late but i am going to show you guys so um i had logged in twice and then it kicked me out and i apologize because i was trying to uh test something that dr sweet had asked earlier but so as you can see the the poll opens up automatically for all participants you guys don't have to weigh in on this question because we already covered it but it really just is a nice integration of pulling within um within your present or if you're presenting or um hosting a meeting and then once i end it i'm just going to end it quickly i can share the results with everybody in the meeting so if you are asking something that has a right or wrong answer that's important if you're trying to gauge um uh interests or perceptions of the group you can use this so and then i back to the the waiting room you can actually next to each participant um individually assign people to waiting rooms which i think is nice um so if you are uh trying to complete interviews you can bring somebody in or out of the waiting room area um pretty seamlessly i think joel jolin says do you have to set up poll questions ahead of time you do so you have to set up full questions ahead of time through the web interface um you can edit them i'm fairly certain in real time yes i can edit it but you have to create them in advance through the web um polls um uh they i think the results can be saved uh let me see uh no i i don't actually think they can so actually you can um download a transcript of your entire presentation and i i would imagine that the poll results are saved within there but i don't think that they are saved individually but i can look into that i'm not 100 sure about that um for screen sharing any document yes you can both um share your screen with any document application um a web browser you can share a video but you can also send files through zoom um so in the chat box you could um send a file to an individual or you could send a file to everyone one thing that we found you can't do as was alluded to earlier is i can't share my screen as a host and you see exactly what i'm doing as a host um which would be helpful for teaching about um zoom i'm sure there is if you get uh if you work for zoom there probably is some functionality for that but yeah i can't share what i'm doing within zoom while i'm hosting but um something that uh someone mentioned at our meeting this morning was how do you access the files that you want to share and so you can search when you hit this share screen button uh from your bottom toolbar a list of your open applications will will pop populate so you can share your screen um or you can share an individual application like powerpoint or if you have google chrome open or if you have an individual document open it gives you that option just to select sharing of that individual thing or you can actually search files with on your within your computer um to find what you want to share but i find it easier just to go ahead and have whatever you plan on sharing open so that when um you click that share screen button it it automatically populates what you have open and then you can just click um whatever you want to share and if you have two screens you can say i want to share screen one or screen two um yeah if you know in advance it's always better to have it on your screen so you don't have to worry about additional complex technology issues any other questions or demonstration needs remember if you want to test these out if you want to um try doing a session and you need some participants we are happy to help um we can be your participants and we can help help you to troubleshoot um any issues that you're having as you're setting these meetings up um but just let us know and you can either if you look on if you see mariah's screen there's our contact information um you can also fill out that form for it's a formal way of requesting uh a consultation from one of us but just let us know thanks for being such great participants today you are welcome enjoy your day trying to get wet have a great weekend great thank you everybody great thank you you.