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Teaching Sessions

Personal Wellness

Health Professions Education

Focus: best practices in teaching, educational theory, program planning and assessment, enhancing teaching with technology, and educational research.

Health Systems Science

Focus: health systems science domain-specific material and accompanying teaching/modeling strategies that are imperative for systemic implementation. 

Dean's Forum

Focus: innovations, hot topics, and challenges in medical education.

Education Grand Rounds

High-caliber presenters from across the country will share their knowledge and expertise to assist in the continued development of our skills as educators.

Education Day 

Education Day is a celebration of our health professions educators, bringing together a diverse community of interprofessional educators and education researchers to celebrate outstanding achievements in teaching.

Hands on Workshops

Hands-on workshop series are geared towards educator and professional development that addresses the needs of Carilion Clinic, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, and/or Radford University Carilion faculty and other educators and professionals.

TEACH Education Journal Club 

TEACH Education Journal Club sessions are available for TEACH Members and are eligible for CME credits. The club meets six times annually.

Educator Development Cohorts

 Development Cohorts include TEACH Mentoring Advancement Program (T-MAP), Health professions Education Research Scholars (HERS), Teach Health Systems Science (THSS).



A select few videos may not have transcriptions if they are were created before 2020.  Please reach out to if there is inaccessible content.