All applications will be forwarded to our TEACH Membership Subcommittee for review. The notification process can take up to 8 weeks.
TEACH Membership
TEACH is an inclusive teaching academy with voluntary membership. All faculty and professional staff affiliated with Carilion Clinic, the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, and Radford University Carilion who have a role in health professions education are encouraged to apply.
Terms of Membership
Membership is automatically renewed based on continued program participation at the appropriate membership level.
Membership Levels
Membership is available in three levels: Emerging, Skilled, and Advanced.
TEACH Subcommittee and Steering Committee Members
TEACH is led by an outstanding Steering Committee of recognized educators throughout Carilion Clinic, the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, and Radford University Carilion. The steering committee and subcommittees are responsible for producing an outstanding experience for faculty.
The Education Research subcommittee is working to develop the interest and scope of education research and scholarship as a critical part of establishing an evidence base for best practices in health professions education delivery and assessment. We anticipate building a coalition of interested individuals to serve as a peer support mechanism for developing our faculty’s education research skills and ad-hoc peer review for those interested in submitting manuscripts or grants for medical education scholarship.
The Faculty Development subcommittee is focused on developing core activities (e.g., workshops, hands-on breakout sessions, Education Day) to enhance the skills of our TEACH faculty as teachers, learners, and education researchers. This subcommittee assesses faculty needs in various ways including analysis of national and institutional evaluations and reports, reviewing the literature, and faculty surveys. We are always open to feedback from the faculty whom we serve. Please feel free to contact us ( at any time regarding feedback on existing sessions and/or suggestions for future topics.
The Membership subcommittee is responsible for outlining and recommending a membership structure inclusive of member benefits and responsibilities. Additionally, this subcommittee is responsible for reviewing all membership applications and determining the appropriate membership level approval for each applicant. Please feel free to contact us ( with questions or concerns.
The Mentoring subcommittee is working to facilitate and enhance the development of mentorship relationships within the Academy. We see these dyads as dynamic, reciprocal relationships between an advanced career incumbent (mentor) and a mentee aimed at promoting advancement of the teaching careers of both. While we anticipate frequent informal mentoring to occur within the Academy, the subcommittee seeks to expand mentorship options with supportive guidelines and robust faculty development in this area.
The Recognition subcommittee focuses on ways in which TEACH can recognize its members that display exceptional and innovative skills in their teaching and education scholarship. This subcommittee develops the criteria by which TEACH members are considered exceptional and will report these members to the steering committee for review of recognition. Ways in which exceptional and innovative teaching can be recognized include publication of bio and achievements in local media, presentation of award, or recognition within TEACH as an esteemed member. We are always open to feedback from the faculty whom we serve. Please feel free to contact us ( at any time regarding feedback on recognition of TEACH members.
The Teaching Consultation and Observership subcommittee is focused on providing active review and consultation of teaching activities by faculty members. We have several individuals on our subcommittee who have been trained to provide formative feedback on teaching in several settings (e.g., classroom, small group, clinical care rounds). This service may be viewed as a type of collegial “peer review” of teaching, and results in both verbal feedback and a brief written summary as the discretion of the faculty member requesting the service. It is especially helpful for newer faculty, or for faculty members who are in tenure track positions.
The Technology and Innovation subcommittee is dedicated to exploring and recognizing novel ways to teach, that may or may not use technology. Our subcommittee’s initial task was to design the framework of the website for TEACH. We recognize and disseminate the creative teaching methods of our faculty members, and introduce TEACH members to creative use of technology. Please feel free to contact us at any time regarding areas of interest or innovation that you would like to see featured.