Education Day is a celebration of our health professions educators, bringing together a diverse community of interprofessional educators and education researchers to celebrate outstanding achievements in teaching.

This event is an upcoming event, to be held on October 17, 2024.  Stay tuned for additional details.

Call for Poster Abstracts

We are excited to announce that the Call for Poster Abstracts for TEACH Education Day on October 17, 2024 is now open for submissions.

Education research posters will be displayed during the Posters, Recognition, and Awards Reception.  Poster abstracts should reflect the TEACH mission to advance educational excellence and innovation, be of peer-review quality, and follow the formatting requirements listed in the accordion below.

Abstracts must be submitted online no later than August 2, 2024 11:59 pm EST.

One poster abstract will be selected for a 15-minute podium presentation during the Posters, Recognition, and Awards Reception.

All abstract submissions should be 400 words or less and should be structured using the following headings:

  • Title
  • Authors (Names & Departments) - One or more authors must be present during the Education Day poster viewing session to discuss their work
  • Background
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion/Discussion
  • References (optional, not included in the word count)
  • One author for each poster abstract must be available to facilitate discussion and/or answer questions regarding their work during the poster session.
  • All suubmissions must be submitted using the online submission form.
  • All are invited to submit works in progress or completed education research or innovations for the event
  • *Submission Deadline* is August 2, 2024, 11:59 pm EST.
  • All education research submissions will be evaluated for completeness and their strength of contribution to health professions education.
  • The corresponding author of each abstract will be notified of the status of their submission via e-mail no later than September 9, 2023.

If you have questions about your submission, please email Mariah Rudd, MEd