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Educator Development Cohorts

TEACH-Mentoring Advancement Program (T-MAP)

TEACH-Mentoring Advancement Program (T-MAP) is designed to foster the growth and connection of faculty through linking early career VTCSOM faculty members with mentors, encouraging networking across our academic health center, and providing seminars and self-guided resources to enhance the professional development of all participants. To achieve this goal, groups of mentors and mentees from two different departments are paired into Mentoring Circles. Over the course of the program, T-MAP participants meet regularly with their Mentoring Circle, complete self-directed learning pathways, and attend quarterly group sessions with the entire T-MAP cohort. New cohorts begin each fall and conclude at TEACH Education Day.

For additional information, contact Sarah Harendt, PhD at

Health professions Education Research Scholars  (HERS)

Health professions Education Research Scholars (HERS) equips educators in health professions with the skills to conduct rigorous research. High-quality education research is dependent upon those that deliver the education to also have the capacity to design and execute rigorous research programs. To meet this need, the TEACH academy has developed an interdisciplinary health professions education research curriculum. The goal of this curriculum is to produce excellent education researchers in the health professions, through didactic and experiential sessions. In addition, participants will complete a mentored education research project of peer-reviewed quality.

For additional information, contact Mariah Rudd, MEd at

TEACH Health Systems Science (THSS)  

TEACH Health Systems Science (THSS) offers a unique and valuable training opportunity for healthcare professionals who are passionate about improving healthcare outcomes and driving positive change within healthcare systems. Throughout the program, participants will develop a deep understanding of health systems science, including topics such as healthcare policy, leadership, patient safety, population health, and healthcare delivery, among others. They will also gain valuable skills in data analysis, quality improvement, and teamwork. The program's curriculum is based on the Health Systems Science framework, which emphasizes the interconnectivity of healthcare systems and their impact on patient outcomes. Participants in the program will learn how to apply this framework to their clinical practice, teaching, and research activities. This program is currently not taking participants.

For additional information, contact Sarah Harendt, PhD at

Emering Educator Leadership Development Community (EELDC)

As a growing academic medical center, it is important to build connections between UME and GME leaders. The Emerging Educator Leadership Development Community (EELDC), was developed in collaboration with VTCSOM, Carilion Clinic, and TEACH, to provide an opportunity to help develop these relationships. The roles of Program Directors (PD) and Clerkship Directors (CD) are complex and challenging, often offered with little preparation or development to those entering into these roles. The EELDC program was designed to provide customized and meaningful faculty development training for PD's and CD's as they enter into the role. It incorporates the expertise, knolwedge, and experiences of seasoned PD's and CD's to guide new leaders through the fundamental aspects of the role and provide resources.

Program goals include:

  • Create a more collaborative interdepartmental way to enhance the learning environment throughout the organization (communication, etc.).
  • Build a community of practice among educational leaders.
  • Share best practices, build skills, and develop a shared mental model across UME and GME educational leaders.
  • Provide a safe space for reflection as leaders.
  • Foster the development of emerging leaders within the educational environment.

For additional information, contact Sarah Harendt, PhD at